Just because your business is throttled back, doesn’t mean you should stop marketing your products and services. Here are some proven tactics that business owners are using to generate income during the Covid-19 economic crisis
Publish an attention-getting Covid-19 message at the top of your home page describing how the business is continuing to provide services during the corona crisis. This could include a link to a new page that offers guidance on specific options for buying products and services until the economy reopens.
Update your Google My Business Page to Reflect Your Company’s Current Status
Your Google My Business profile often appears when people search for your business on Google. This includes Google local search results. In response to the Covid-19 restrictions, many Google users are making more “near me” and “open now” searches. Make sure that the business hours are correct, and change your description to reflect any changes caused by COVID-19.
Create Posts on Google My Business
You can write and publish posts to your Google My Business listing for free. These posts provide the opportunity for you to let prospects know about updates and promotions. Google My Business posts offer a great opportunity to reach and retain customers during COVID-19.
Covid-19 Promotions and Discounts
Consider a deep discount or “freebie” for orders placed within a particular time frame. This will create more audience engagement and increase conversions (people who contact you to buy your products and services).
For other suggestions on how to make the most of the Covid-19 crisis, contact us at covidrecovery@dynamicmediasolutions.us.